Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Alright Google, The Jig Is Up.... Where Is My Task List!?

It has been about a year since I asked Google the question "When are you going to make a task list?" Of course no one knew what the answer was. There have been a lot of articles concerning it and I know personally it would be an amazing addition to the Google lineup.

Now I assume I use Gmail for my task list like most people. The star feature has come in rather handy for unaccomplished tasks. And I have even started using Google Calendar for goals and accomplishments.

And this system works relatively well if you are using Google's tools as an individual. But when you try to collaborate with a team, it becomes very tricky.

Don't get me wrong, Google Docs and Google Calendar are amazing for their strengths. My business partners and I all use these tools religiously for the success and development of our business. But the only area we have experienced a pit fall in is delegation of work (Task List).

We have even gone to the extent of using Google Notebook for a fake task list because of its drag and drop qualities... But it just feels like we are trying to MacGyver a Task List out of their existing tools. And if our group as a business can almost get what we want by doing this, why can't Google just whip out something amazing for small, Google Tool based businesses like ours?

All I want:
Separated user accounts that can add one another (like calendar)
The ability to prioritize (kind of like notebooks drag and drop feature)
Email updates for tasks (daily report of what needs to be done still for everyone in the group?)

Boom! Really simple and easy to please.

Again, I reiterate that I have tried the gambit of applications and none seem to fill the void the same way that Google Task List surely would.

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