Saturday, November 3, 2007

First Timer

So this is my first blog post. I have a few friends that are running on this site... like MCWASP and VOCHILD, and I decided to give it a try for a while.

Why dont we start off the with good stuff. This weekend is the big Michigan State vs Michigan game. So McLovin and myself decided to drive down to State for the weekend. We ended up leaving like an hour late (since McLovin wasn't packed up on time). Then threw the address into the Civic's navigation and off we went. About 20 min into our trip, we decided to take a detour to speed up the trip (against the better judgment of the nav system). For about 45 min we went down curvy farm roads and missing our turns. As it turns out McLovin is no navigator.

But the rest of the trip was smooth, just a few near death experiences and some lessons from McLovin on weaving through traffic 101. This is in direct result of Michigan highway drivers who are oblivious when they dive. You know what I mean... Those people that dont get over from the left lane when you are coming up on them. Especially since they ride right next to the person in the right lane at 71MPH.

At some point I'm going to have to trick out this blog page so it doesn't look like a template. I'm somewhat of a web designer by trade and hate looking the same way everyone else does.

I'm sure that the rest of my posts wont be as long as this one ;) but I thought I might as well get it all out on the table. Thanks for blogging with me and I'll be sure to follow up.

PS. MSU is getting it handed to them.... 14 to 3 toward the end of the first half.

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