Thursday, November 15, 2007

Halo3 + Wikipedia = Really Easy Exams

So last week I decided to get an xbox 360 randomly... Yeah I'm not a huge Microsoft or Halo fan by any means, but there are enough flaws with their servers to justify my bane. However, as much as I've detested that game since the first one came out (because it feels like everything is HUGE and its almost intolerable to move around with that control setup), I've actually become quite a bit better at the game in the last week or so. So if you happen to play the game also, hit me up under my (now usual) name... Bredonkulous.

This week was also our exam week for school. It's always a shot in the dark as to what is going to be on those. I was both lucky and unlucky this year. I had a lot of really easy classes, but that just means that I either already knew the material or else the material was so basic that I could have looked it up on Wikipedia in 5 min before the test and learned everything that we covered in the whole course. In fact, that is how I do most of my homework now a days... it has become much easier and faster for me to look up the answers to homework online rather than even opening the book once the whole term. And unfortunately I still usually do better than a lot of the class.

So moral of the story is that I did very well on most of my exams and became decent at Halo3. Not exactly the most business oriented productive week, but you need to take a break every once in a while or else people end up getting hurt...


Anonymous said...

Umm... that's not a moral, that's a result. A moral would be something more like "procrastination works" or "studying isoverrated."

Michael said...

I concur.