Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Weekend at State

So this weekend kicked off with a road trip to State to visit Johnson and Xuan at their apartment. The road trip was full of adventure in itself. But as soon as we walked in the door, I noticed that Johnson had just purchased Guitar Hero III. So we started jamming on that right away. It was much better than the first two if you are wondering, especially since its on the Wii.

Saturday was the big game day! Filled with lots of pre-gaming fun. Then Johnson took off to the game with the rest of the pre-gamers, leaving just McLovin and Xuan and myself to watch the game on the big screen. After McLovin's "first half nap" from all the partying he had been doing, the game really got tense as state looked like they could take the lead. They ended up losing like they have for the last six years, but it was pretty interesting. But nevertheless, post game excitement never fails.

After McLovins long nap, he called up TommyG and we were off to see the best drummer State has to offer... However, Tommy's Phone died as soon as we left the apartment and we ended up walking around town unable to find our destination. After trying to avoid the hordes of band kids, we met up with TommyG and Xuan and just went to get some Sushi. Then back for some more post game fun... and with the time change, there was an extra hour for McLovin to turn into this...

Sunday was busy, McLovin and I packed up our gear and headed our around the town for the day. Xuan went off to Quiz bowl. They didn't end up winning but had a great time competing in it. Eric and I went to lunch with ClaireBear and then he went to watch football all day... Colts and Patriots.....(worth it). and i went to see the Bee Movie, with ClaireBear. As animated as that is, it was really funny. And oh the colors... so vibrant!

Then randomly, two of the guys weren't able to make it back that night and Jimmy Eat World just happened to be playing in concert that night. It was an awesome concert with, by far, one of my favorite bands. Then some crazy bitch tried to take my iPhone away because i took a picture... since that makes a whole lot of sense. If i can see 20 people at a time taking pictures on their razors, I'm not giving up anything to someone working min wage... But despite that, it was awesome and after that, hit up jimmy johns and headed for home. Eric taught me how to drive more aggressively so we didn't git in any accidents from merging traffic.

We finally arrived home at like 1:30am and I went to bed since i had to get up for work at 7:00. It was well worth the trip as you can see.

I have been slacking to get this updated since I started it. But as you can see, Xuan hasn't put anything up since then either. I think we should race to see who can be the best blogger... Do you accept the challenge xuan?

1 comment:

Sean said...

You are the wild and crazy guys!!!