Thursday, November 8, 2007

iPhone (Your Phone X 100)

The day the iPhone came out, I decided to stop by the store to see if they had any left. They allowed us to pre-order early so it only too me a few days to receive my iPhone by mail.

Let me tell you, people can say that they don't like certain things about it. But compared to any other (common) phone on the market right now, and i would much rather have an iPhone with less than perfect features than a crappy, plastic, low quality, phone that hasn't added any new features in the last 5 years.

My phone, while not perfect by any means, is absolutely awesome compared to the what I used to carry around. I don't use it for an iPod much, since I already have my iPod Mini built into my car, nor do I use the calendar feature since I use Google for everything (Mail, Calendar, Documents) and the iPhone though it would be OK to sync with the Mail part, but not the calendar part... But I have internet whenever I want, and that comes in more handy than i thought it would.

I did hack my phone of course, since its as simple as going to a website and clicking a button... However, that was much more bittersweet than I had hoped. It did (before I set it back to normal) crash quite often. It would get into loops of just crash after crash until it reset itself.

The only other problem I have with the (non-hacked) iPhone is that it is currently only with AT&T. If you haven't heard it before: This company is TERRIBLE! (at least for our area). I did have better success when we went to Cedar Point in OH. But around town, and on Campus especially, I can barely make a call. And the company with the fewest dropped calls would not build in a whole animation and settings around the phone dropping calls if they actually practiced what they preach.

But I love my phone, Hate the provider, but am always looking for it to be updated with new features, (yeah you cant do that with your verizon brand razor can you....).

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